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Past Events
ArtSeaLab Festival
It was an overcast but comfortable weekend of outdoor fun at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab by the Estuarium facility. Volunteers at the Dauphin Island Bird Sanctuaries (DIBS) booth offered stickers, temporary bird tattoos, bird checklists, DIBS informational brochures, slightly-used birding magazines, and Monarch butterfly migration information to the enthusiastic public that wandered up to the booth. Colorful bird cut-outs were posted on the fence nearby so that children and adults could practice their bird identification skills with loaner binoculars. A donation box was rapidly filled, and DIBS T-shirts and car stickers were available for sale. It was a good day for DIBS!
Location - Dauphin Island Sea Lab Campus
Dates - October 26 - 28, 2018

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