Dauphin Island Bird Sanctuaries
The National Audubon Society and BirdLife International have recognized Dauphin Island, Alabama as a Globally Important Bird Area. The island’s location on the northern rim of the Gulf of Mexico lends itself to a prime stop-over habitat for Neo-tropical bird migration and over 350 species of birds have been recorded here. Unfortunately, development demands for new housing on the Island are presently extremely high and important migratory bird habitat is being lost on an almost daily basis. The number of building permits issued for the forested section of the island has increased and the trees which shelter birds and anchor the island are being lost to concrete footpads and lawns for new homes. Competition for fair-priced properties of the island has risen also as individuals are willing to pay higher and higher amounts for what was once relatively low property values.

We need your help! Since 1992, DIBS has protected over 88 parcels of prime bird habitat on Dauphin Island. Many of our properties are protected in perpetuity by conservation easements although not all are in this category since the cost of these conservation easements is high. We presently have the opportunity to purchase select, contiguous lots in the Dauphin Island maritime forest habitat and arrange more conservation easements with Land Trust organizations. DIBS is confident that these properties will be acquired and protected but this is not an end-all remedy to the present situation of habitat loss on the island. Continuous education of the island’s property owners is another mission of DIBS.
Please consider a donation to DIBS. Your donation is tax-deductible as DIBS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and our volunteers work hard to send tax acknowledgement notes/letters in return for your donation.
Finally, and most important, DIBS is an all-volunteer group with no paid employees so that most of our donations are dedicated for the purchase of bird habitat on Dauphin Island.
Thank you for your support!

Monetary Donations
Donate to DIBS with Paypal

Contact us at DIBS1295@gmail.com
to provide the details of your donation
(memorial, honorarium, membership, specific
donation for Giving Tuesday, or End-Of-Year, etc.).
Avoid fees and mail a check to:
DIBS, PO Box 1295, Dauphin Island, AL 36528